Stosowane do automatyzacji, maszyn do obróbki, manipulacji itp. Różne warianty nakrętek, dokładności IT3 - IT7. Terminy dostaw ok. 4 tygodni. ©rednice 12 - 80mm. Różne skoki
Standard single flanged nut with connecting dimensions acc. to DIN 69051. Delivered with reduced play or small preload until 2% Cdyn.
Standard single flanged nut with connecting dimensions acc. to DIN 69051. Delivered with reduced play or small preload until 5% Cdyn.
Standard double flanged nut with connecting dimensions acc. to DIN 69051. Preloaded until 7% Cdyn.
Standard double flanged nut with connecting dimensions acc. to DIN 69051. Preloaded until 7% Cdyn.
Single cylindrical nut with outer metrical thread. Delivered with reduced play or small preload until 2% Cdyn.
Single cylindrical nut with both side wipers. Delivered with reduced play or on request with small preload until 2% Cdyn. Size 40x40 with right thread only.
Special design for applications with static shaft and rotating nut.
The safety nut SEM works like standard ball nut, but there is added safety part.
The use of a safety nut alone is not a sufficient protection against…